Daniele Frongia

SpecialityCouncillor for Sport, Youth Policies, Major Events - ROMA CAPITALE

Rome’s Councillor for Sport, Youth Policies, Major Events since 2016 and Extraordinary Commissioner for UEFA EURO 2020 since 2019. From July 2013 to November 2015 he held the position of Capitoline Councillor of Roma Capitale, for the 5 Star Movement.
Graduated in Statistics, he has been a professor at Sapienza University of Rome, at University of Camerino, Torvergata University of Rome and IULM. His activity is mainly about ICT, web and social network analysis and social media analysis. After some work experience as a data analyst and software developer at ICT multinationals such as Telesoft (Telecom) and SAS, since 2003 he has been Technical Officer of the National Institute of Statistics, since 2016 he has been Chief Technologist.